Sunday, June 12, 2011


While on the journey of creating this blog, I have realized few points that a blogger have taken into account. Firstly, it is essential for a blogger to know how to design well.  This is because this quality will attract reader’s attention to the blog and hence read the content of writing.  As what been stated by Reep (2006, p. 134) design features increase the usefulness of the document as they guide readers through the text by directing attention to individual topics and increasing the ability of readers to remember the important, highlighted sections. 

Besides that, i have learnt that adding images to every post is also important as it helps to enhance readers’ concentration about the topic. Shriver (1997, p.408) has stated that ‘text plus illustrations combinations are typically superior to text alone’.

By writing, I have discovered that writing style have to match the wants and needs of the target audience.  This have been stated by Penman 1998, ‘a document's functionality is dependent on its structure matching readers' habits, expectations, and context of use’. 

Moreover, there is a difference between writing and speaking. According to Putnis, Peter and Petelin, (1996, p.227) “writing gives you more opportunity to get your thoughts (and their expression) right because you can revise right up until the moment the writing is published. In contrast, when you say something that you regret, or that your listener misunderstands, or that is awkward, you can never 'unsay' the words.”

In conclusion, this journey has thought me a lot of theoretical knowledge. All these knowledge will be useful for me in the near future.


  • Penman, R. 1998, Document Structures and readers’ habits, Communication news, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 1 and 10-11, viewed 11 June 2011, <>

  • Reep, D. C. 2006, Document Design, Technical Writing, 6th Edition, Pearson/Longman, New York, pp. 133-172.

  • Schriver, K.A. 1997, Chapter 6: The interplay of words and pictures, Dynamics in document design: creating text for readers, Wiley Computer Pub, New York, pp 361-441

  • Putnis, P & Petelin, R 1996, Professional communication: principles and applications, Prentice Hall, Sydney

Maheswari Ganga Gangaya

The wonders of E-Book....& what audience expect from it?


Nowadays every company wants to try out something different. For instance, Apple has launched iPad which does mostly everything. Not only that even the makers of e-book are venturing their business into a different angle. An example would be The Barnes & Noble (BKS) Nook Color was created to run on Google’s Android platform whereas Amazon had recently launched its own application store for Android devices.

In October 2003, there was no such thing called as ‘e-book’ reading devices. Most people were using their PDA to gain access to their digital books.  Devices such as Toshiba e805 was the perfect device to be used as it had built-in Wi-Fi and VGA color touchscreen. The device runs on Microsoft’s Windows Mobile 2003 operating system that enables users to browse the Web and install applications. In fall 2007, Kindle arrived and made standalone e-book reader to go mainstream. Since then, various standalone e-link readers went on a mission in creating a whole new niche but then the trend came to be ‘multipurpose’ again since the launch of Apple’s iPad.

But then there is still space for e-book readers as there are device that only shows e-book content and nothing else. The reason is because some people prefer e-link as it does not strain the eyes much and uses power only while turning the page.  Looking at the increasing rate of the current tablet market, it shows that people are expecting more from mobile devices, a device that can surf the Web, contains various applications and even became a portable television and movie theater not forgetting, providing a stable e-book experience.

In my opinion, readers do expect more from an e-book instead of just showing book contents.  As the vast emerging of technology it is important for e-book makers to keep up with the current pace. Now, ‘the challenge is to understand the new digital target market and integrate it into your established audience.’ (Johnson, 2010) Although the latest technology does play a part in audience expectations, the latest generation, which is we, prefer it to be related to our reading experience. As what been stated by Jon 2010, ‘people in this group are likely to wonder what purpose an app serves for them and remain skeptical of whether it can add anything worthwhile to their reading experience.’  Audiences even look at presentation nowadays. ‘Audiences are becoming privy to the wave of poor presentations and are no longer accepting of the drab, ineffective presentations that are too often used.’ (Jon, 2010) Thus from here it is evident that audience would like to see a change instead the same thing.

In the 21st century audience are filled with knowledge, which means they know what they like, what should be included, how it should work and how it should feel (Johnson 2010). Hence they are not ignorant when comes to accessing the applications, as they know the pros and cons.  Including images in e-book attracts reader’s attention. As Walsh (2006, p.30) states, interaction between readers and text is different because of the use of images and the ways images interact with words.

Mobile device such as Ipad is selling like ‘hot cakes’ especially among the younger generations.This is because it is a multipurpose device than has the ability to surf the Web, download various applications and also an e-book device. Walsh (2006 pp. 30-31) has stated, “With this text the technological differences (i.e screen, windows, frames, hyperlinks, navigation bars, menu buttons, use of cursor, mouse) are designed to assist the reader’s learning, to attract and to maintain interest.” This allows readers to gained a lot as they have access to the Web and other applications.

Lastly anything included in e-book has to be different but at the same time it has to be understood by the audience. As what stated by Walsh 2006, whether ‘reading’ words or images or both, in a novel, non-fiction text, a media text, a picture book, an information text or a digital text we need to be able to understand the message to make meaning. Thus it is vital for audience to understand of any features that is included in an e-book device.


  • Walsh, M. 2006, The 'textual shift': Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts, Australian Journal of Language and literacy, vol. 29, no, 1, pp. 24-37.
  • Jon 2010, Audience Expectations in the New Age of Presentations, viewed 12 June 2011,<>
  • Johnson, D. 2010, Apps and eBooks: Readers Have Great Expectations, But How Do You Deliver?, viewed 12 June 2011, <>
  • Tofel, K. 2011, How E-Books Are Coming Full Circle, Thanks to Tablets, viewed 12 June 2011, <>

 Maheswari Ganga Gangaya

How Social Media Play its role?

Source: TechCentral

In today’s time, most video footages are mostly about street protests, which are widely spread in the streets of all regions especially in Middle East. While riots, demonstrator’s are mostly young men whom to be seen with their camera phones documenting the scenario. These video footages that have been shot during the protest will be uploaded to social networking sites Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube and other sites such Arab TV satellite, Al-Jazeera.  In fact, Google-owned YouTube highlighted several video clips such as Libya from a user with the name ‘enoughgaddafi’. 

On the other hand in Bahrain and Libya, graphic pictures and video footages of violent attack by the authorities towards the group of protesters had further spread the anger widely in the streets.  As what been stated by Micah SIfry, co-founder of politics and technology blog tech President (cited by TechCentral 2011), that mobile phone coverage in Middle East is far higher than internet penetration. Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak and Libya’s Moamer Kadhafi have taken these threats into account seriously and they have eliminated their own people from the web. 

Most parties have stated that social media plays a vital role in all these events.  This has proven by Wael Ghonim, the Google executive and cyberactivist (cited by TechCentral 2011) who stated that ‘social media played a crucial role in the events that led to Mubarak’s ouster after three decades of iron fisted rule.
In my opinion I do agree to the above statement, social media do play an important role when comes to political issue. This is because it has the power to widely spread the news all over and influence the public. As what stated by Habermas 1964, ‘today newspapers and magazines, radio and television are the media of the public sphere’.   

Due to emergence of the latest technology, Internet penetration has increased rapidly over the years in Middle East. Ward 2009 has also stated this, that there is a natural increase in use of the technologies; especially in the Arab World as Internet penetration rates continue to grow. 

Social networking sites also play role in events in Middle East.  Although social networking sites are meant to communicate each other but it also can be used as a tool to spread violence and hatred.  According to Tay 2010, social networking tools like Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and Blogs have facilitated creation and exchange of ideas so quickly and widely than the conventional media. 


Thus with the help of the latest technology any pictures taken through cellphone are posted on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr or any other sites which have the tendency to spread faster than any other medium.  Besides that, social media allows people to express themselves and influence in the most immediate way. “By giving people this capability, they not only have the ability to share ideas, opinions and other contents, but also (if they wish) gain notoriety, and expand their influence”. (Pizano, 2010)

The depth, interactivity and immediacy of new media can make a lot of difference especially in society. As this combines with the people, they will be become more powerful and will be able to voice out their opinion more effectively. According to Habermas 1964, the expression "public opinion" refers to the tasks of criticism and control which a public body of citizens informally…formally as well- practices & the ruling structure organized in the form of a state.’


  • Harbermas, J., Lennox,S., Lennox, F. 1974, The Public Sphere: An Encyclopedia Article (1964), no.3, pp. 49-55,  viewed 11 June 2011, <>
  • Ward, W. 2009, Social media and the Gaza conflict, Arab Media & Society, viewed 11 June 2011, <>
  • Tay, R. 2010, Impact of Social Media on Society, viewed 11 June 2010, <>
  • Pizano, G. 2010, How Much Has Social Media Changed The Society? In Social Networking, viewed 11 June 2011, <>
  • TechCentral 2011, Social media, cellphone video fuel Arab protest, viewed 11 June 2011, <>

Maheswari Ganga Gangaya

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Altering image...hides the truth from people

The altered image
The Original Image taken from the White House
An Egyptian state- run newspaper faced trouble for altering a photograph to show that President Hosni Mubarak was leading the Middle East peace talks. The publication, al-Ahram had published the picture whereby Mr. Mubarak walking on a red carpet ahead of US President Barack Obama along with the Israeli, Palastinian and Jordian leaders. Originally the image is taken at the White House during the formal launch of the talk which shows Mr. Obama leading the way whereas Mr. Mubarak walking behind. 

To give a peace of mind, US Secretary Hillary Clinton and US peace envoy George Mitchell travelled to the Egyptian Red Sea resort, which were hosted by President Mubarak. The opposition 6 April Youth Movement has accused al-Ahram which happens to be Egypt’s biggest newspaper in terms of circulation for being “unprofessional” for publishing the doctored image without an explanation for doing so. After that, Al-Ahram had the image replaced on its website with an image that shows all the assembled leaders seated on chairs in Red Sea resort.

In my opinion, it is unethical for the publication to change the original image to another image as it provides false information to the readers. As what been stated in National Press Photographers Association Code of Ethics (cited in Bersak, 2003) “editing should maintain the integrity of the photographic images' content and context. Do not manipulate images ... in any way that can mislead viewers or misrepresent subjects.”  Visual do play a vital role in explaining a particular meaning about something to readers. It has the power to influence readers either in a positive or negative manner. “Photographic and video images can reveal great truths, expose wrongdoing and neglect, inspire hope and understanding and connect people around the globe through the language of visual understanding. Photographs can also cause great harm if they are callously intrusive or are manipulated” (National Press Photographers Association, 2011) 

By altering the image, the publication is hiding the truth indirectly from the readers which leads them to think that Mr. Mubarak who lead the team during the launch. Nickerson (1968, cited by Schriver 1997, p.407) has stated pictures can arouse the reader’s interest and curiosity and are often well remembered even long after people see them. Thus in Egypt, the people will always has the impression that it was Mr. Mubarak who was leading the team even after some time. 

Being newspaper publication, it is the responsibility of the organization to serve the public the truth, nothing but the truth. The publication should be fair instead of being bias to one party. In conclusion I feel, when a publication alters an image, indirectly it alters the truth which will eventually misleads the readers.

  • Schriver, K.A. 1997, Chapter 6: The interplay of words and pictures, Dynamics in document design: creating text for readers, Wiley Computer Pub, New York, pp 361-441
  • Bersak, D., R., 2003, Ethics in Photojournalism: Past, Present & Future, viewed 10 June 2011, <>
  • National Press Photographers Association 2011, viewed 10 June 2011 <>
  • Stovall, J. 2009, Photojournalism Ethics, viewed 10 June 2011, <>

Maheswari Ganga Gangaya

Friday, June 10, 2011

Ultraman & tsunami......opppssss!

Image source:

Last March, Berita Harian had published a cartoon, which represented the heartbreaking Tsunami, and earthquake that killed thousands of people and destroyed Japan. The cartoon is a picturization of Japanese famous cartoon character who is running away from an oncoming Tsunami disaster. This had caused many parties to be against the publication as they thought it was not unethical to do so. Most people felt that it is poor judgment of the publication and described the cartoon as ‘distasteful’ and ‘insensitive’. UMNO Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin tweeted that the publication must apologize for its act of publishing the cartoon that is “impervious towards the Japanese” As a result Berita Harian had apologized publically via on its website and social networking accounts such as Twitter and Facebook after several parties demanded for an apology.

In my opinion, it is highly inappropriate for the publication to do such act. The reason is because the cartoon had made fun of the pain and heartache that the Japanese went through. The publication should have certain limit of decency while publishing any images. “A newspaper cannot escape conviction of insincerity if, while professing high moral purpose, it supplies incentives to base conduct, such as are to be found in details of crime and vice, publication of which is not demonstrably for the general good”. (The University of Tennessee 2007) Hence it is highly unethical for the publication to do such act. Besides that, it might sound comical to Malaysians but the publication fail to realize that it sounds cynical to the Japanese. It sounded as if mocking those people who had lost their life in Tsunami and earthquake.

Schriver (1997, p.410) has stated ‘visuals are not always helpful’. This is because visual can end up giving the wrong interpretation to the readers. As what mentioned by Peeck (1987 cited Schriver 1997, p.410), pictures may even get in the way, especially if they merely decorate the text distracting readers from fully concentrating on the content.  The cartoon image seems to send conflicting images to readers as it gives the false representation.(Schriver 1997)

Publishing news and information of pictures must be examined carefully for accuracy, and their true meaning must not be altered by editing, title or photo comment. (gulfnews 2011). In conclusion I would like to stress again that a newspaper is a publication that meant to serve the truth to the public. Thus, in cases involving personal grief or shock, enquiries and approaches must be made with sympathy and discretion and publication handled sensitively. (Press Complaints Commission 1991) Thus it is essential for publication to weigh the pros and cons of its actions before executing it.

  • ARAIMAITI.NET 2011, CARTOON TSUNAMI SENDA JEPUN, viewed 8 June 2011 <>
  • The University of Tennessee 2007, Code of Ethics, viewed 8 June 2011, <>
  • Press Complaints Commission 1999, EDITORS’ CODE OF PRACTICE, viewed 8 June 2011, <>
  • 2011, Code of Ethics, viewed 8 June 2011, <>
  • Schriver, K.A. 1997, Chapter 6: The interplay of words and pictures, Dynamics in document design: creating text for readers, Wiley Computer Pub, New York, pp 361-441

Maheswari Ganga Gangaya

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Everything seems to be NEW....even MEDIA!

What is New Media?

  New media is defined as various forms of communication via the Internet that includes podcast; social networks websites, blogs, RSS feed and many more. (, n.d.)

  In todays world everything around us have been synchronized within a reach.  The vast developments of technology have made us to be able to access anything in just ‘one click’. People can even access to news stories through online social network website like Facebook.

Image source:

Image source:

  Practically most news networks such as CNN, Al-Jazeera and ABC News have Facebook pages in their website as a communication tool among readers. Facebook is the platform where everyone is able to share opinions, viewpoints and comments. As what have been stated in wiseGEEK, most news and video websites have buttons that can be clicked to automatically share the story or video on a feed.  

  According to Belindao, the biggest benefit of having a Facebook page is having unlimited fans. Thus by having Facebook accounts, these news websites are able to enlarge their scope to reach a larger target audience. Besides that, through Facebook viewers are able to view the news, videos and press releases, which they have missed out during the live streaming. Most readers would prefer it to watch it online as fast and convenient

  In this manner these websites are able to communicate with their viewers directly by receiving an immediate response, reaction or feedback about a news story from them.

  Believe it or not news has made everyone to be inquisitive on the latest happening around the globe. Thanks to the emergence of social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and etc., the wide spread of media publishing has been firmly approached and well accepted by all jus to keep up with the pace the growth of knowledge, skills and delegations of information.


wiseGEEK, 2003-2011, 'What is Facebook?' [online] Available at <> [Accessed 28 April 2011], n.d., 'What is New Media?' [online] Available at <> [Accessed 29 April 2011]

Belindao, 2010, 'Advantages of Having Facebook Fan Page' [online] Available at <> [Accessed 5 May 2011] 

Maheswari Ganga Gangaya

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What is blogging communities and how to build one?

A blogging community refers to those who share the same blogging platform such as Xanga. Otherwise it is also used to describe group blogs where several people contribute to one particular blog.

How to create ONE?

According to Crowe,P. 2011, there a several tips in creating a blogging community which are:

  • Reach Out to Professional Bloggers
  • Respond to Commenters
  • Write Posts in reaction to Others
  • Create a Local Blogger Meet Up
  • Share Link Love

According to White 2006, she defined three different kinds of blogging communities:

Figure 1: Blog Based Communities

Image source: The Knowledge Tree- ThreeForms.jpg

-       Single Blog/ Blogger Centric Community – one blog owned by single owner or organization, multiple bloggers. Example: The Knowledge Tree.

Figure 2: Single Blog/Blogger Centric Community

Image source: The Knowledge Tree -blogcentricsmaller.jpg

This is the original blog based community to develop whereby readers comment and get to know the blogger and community the commenters. These communities depend on one platform and only one blog, which hold features that available for the members. The blog’s main identity is the author whom sets the rules and regulations. Democracy would not have any role to play here, as there would be still ‘censorship’ playing its part. The central blogger decides the topic to be discussed whereby commenters can respond or ignore. 
  •          Central Connecting Topic Community – Community that arise through common interest. Example: Global Voices Community

Figure 3: Topic Centric Community

Image source: The Knowledge Tree - TopicCentricCommunity.jpg

  • Boudaried Communities – individuals register and join the community and given a chance to create a blog. Example:

Figure 4: Boundaried Communities

Image Source: The Knowledge boundariedsmallerfixed.jpg


  • White, N., 2006, ‘Blogs and Community – launching a new paradigm for online community?’,The Knowledge Tree [online] Available at <–-launching-a-new-paradigm-for-online-community> [Accessed 24 April 2011]
  • Crow, P., 2009, ‘How to Create a Blogging Community’, Spice Up Your Blog [blog] 29 March 2011, Avalable at <>  [Accessed 25 April 2011]
  • Kinkeldei, B., 2007, ‘Forging Connections and Promoting Growth Through Blog Communities’, Whitepaper Blog Communities [online] Available at <> [Accessed 24 April 2011]

Maheswari Ganga Gangaya 
UniSA ID: 110070877